Planning and Development Committee

Meeting #:
Council Chambers
7 Broadway Street West
Paris, ON


That the agenda for the September 6, 2022 Planning and Development Committee be approved. 


That the Planning and Development Committee minutes of July 5, 2022, be approved. 


That application ZBA30-22-DN proposing to change the zoning to 1.Agricultural (A) to Heavy Industrial (M3);
2.Natural Heritage (NH) to Heavy Industrial (M3) and; 3.Agricultural (A) to Natural Heritage (NH), be received as information and any comments/ submissions regarding this application be referred to staff for review.



That application ZBA24-22-DN, proposing to rezone Parcel 1 -‘Agriculture’ (A) to ‘Light Industrial’ with a Special Exception (M2-XX) to permit a maximum coverage for Open Storage of 41% where a maximum 35% is permitted within the M2 Zone, Parcel 2 -‘Agriculture’ (A) to ‘Light Industrial’ (M2), and Parcel 3 -‘Agriculture’ (A) to ‘Light Industrial’ with a Special Exception (M2-XX) to permit the truck terminal use in addition to the uses permitted within the M2 zone, be received as information and any comments/ submissions regarding this application be referred to staff for review.


That application ZBA33-22-DN proposing to change the zoning on the subject lands from Residential Singles and Semis (s-R2) to Residential Multiple Low Density (s-RM1-XX) with site specific provisions to permit a ‘Dwelling, Apartment’ as a permitted use and to permit a minimum number of required parking spaces of 7, where 12 spaces are required, be received as information and any comments/ submissions regarding this application be referred to staff for review.


That application ZBA28-22-SL proposing to rezone a portion of the subject lands from Agricultural Employment (AE) to General Commercial with a site specific provision (C2-XX) to permit an interior side yard of 0.45 metres(1.5 feet) and to permit the parking of commercial vehicles and storage of materials associated with the permitted uses within the rear yard, that proposes to rezone a portion of the subject lands from Agricultural Employment (AE) to Natural Heritage (NH) in order to recognize a significant woodlot at the rear of the property, be received as information and any comments/ submissions regarding this application be referred to staff for review.


That application ZBA25-22-RC proposing to change the zoning on the subject lands from Neighbourhood Commercial –Special Exception (C1-1) to the General Commercial -Special Exception (C2-xx) Zone in order to permit additional commercial uses and recognize existing deficiencies, be received as information and any comments/ submissions regarding this application be referred to staff for review.


That application ZBA15-22-SL proposing to rezone portion of the lands zoned Agriculture (A) to Rural Residential (RR) in order to facilitate the creation of one new residential building lot and to rezone the retained lands from Agriculture (A) to Agriculture with a site specific provision (A-XX) in order to permit an undersized farm parcel of approx. 22.4 ha, whereas the Zoning By-Law permits a minimum area of 40 ha., be received as information and any comments/ submissions regarding this application be referred to staff for review.


That application ZBA26-22-DN proposing to change the current ‘Prestige Industrial’ -Special Provision (M1-8) Zone to the ‘Light Industrial’ -Special Provision (M2-xx) Zone to permit the uses within the M2 zone, providing a minimum of 401 parking spaces, be received as information and any comments/ submissions regarding this application be referred to staff for review.


That Application PS2/20/RC from WEBB Planning Consultants Inc., agent for Greycan 13 Properties Inc. and 13144801 Canada Inc., owners of Brantford Concession 2, Part of Lots 11 and 12, Part of Part 1, Plan 2R1063, geographic Township of Brantford, County of Brant, located at 61 Bethel Road, to develop an industrial plan of subdivision with 5 large blocks for industrial development, two new public roads, a sanitary pumping station block, stormwater management block and two stormwater channel blocks, be approved subject to the attached Conditions of Draft Plan Approval; and

That application ZBA33/20/RC from WEBB Planning Consultants Inc., agent for Greycan 13 Properties Inc. and 13144801 Canada Inc., owners of Brantford Concession 2, Part of Lots 11 and 12, Part of Part 1, Plan 2R1063, geographic Township of Brantford, County of Brant, located at 61 Bethel Road, to amend the Zoning By-Law 61-16 on the subject lands from Holding, Prestige Industrial (h-M1) and Natural Heritage (NH) to Holding, Special Exception Prestige Industrial (h-M1-16), Holding, Special Exception Light Industrial (h-M2-34), and Open Space (OS1), be approved; and

That the reasons for approval are as follows: 

1.    The application is consistent with Sections 34(1) and 51(24) of the Planning Act;
2.    The application is consistent with the policies of the Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and conforms to the policies of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020); and
3.    The application conforms to the policies of the County of Brant’s Official Plan (2012).


That Application ZBA12/22/SL from Douglas W. Stewart, Agent on behalf of 2712077 Ontario Inc (Chris Henderson), Owner of lands legally known as Plan 205 Block Q Part Lot 8, municipally known as 1 King’s Lane, Geographic Township of Oakland, County of Brant, proposing to rezone the retained and severed  lands from Suburban Residential (SR) to Suburban Residential with a Site Specific Provision 60 (SR-60) to permit a minimum lot area of 1,643 square metres (17,685 square feet) and a minimum frontage of 27 metres (88.6 feet) in order to facilitate a severance, on private services be approved; and 

That the following site specific provisions are being recommended for approval: 

1.    To permit a minimum lot area of 1,643 square metres (17,685 square feet) and a minimum frontage of 27 metres (88.6 feet) for both the retained and severed lot in the Suburban Residential (SR) zone on private services; and 

That the reason(s) for approval are as follows:

•    The application is in conformity with the policies of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and consistent with the policies of Provincial Policy Statement.
•    The application is in conformity with the general intent of the policies of the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law. 


That Application ZBA27/22/SL from Adam and Beckie Munce, Owners of lands legally known as Concession 2 Part Lot 20 And Registered Plan 2R1835 Part 1, municipally known as 532 Blue Lake Road, Geographic Township of South Dumfries, County of Brant, proposing to rezone the subject lands from Agriculture (A) to Temporary Use with site specific provision 101 (T-101) in order to permit a Forest School Program as a Home-Based Business for a period of up to two (2) years, be approved; and 

That the following site specific provisions are being recommended for approval: 

1.    In addition to the uses permitted within the Agriculture (A) zone, a Home-Based Business operating as a Forest School Program, shall also be permitted for up to two (2) years, provided that it is removed on or before September 27, 2024, and is subject to the following: 

a.    A maximum of 20 participants be permitted. 
b.    Hours of operation will be from 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday.
c.    No new buildings shall be permitted within the portion of the lands identified as Part 2. 
d.    No new structures are permitted within the portion of the lands identified as Part 2, except for small-scale structures for recreational or educational purposes such as picnic tables, benches and temporary tents provided that no site alteration or tree removal is required for such structures. 
e.    All provisions of Section 15.2.2 being the Temporary Home-Based Business Program shall apply until such time that the temporary permissions are repealed, expire or made permanent. 
f.    All other provisions of the By-Law shall apply; and

That the reason(s) for approval are as follows:

•    The application is in conformity with the policies of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and consistent with the policies of Provincial Policy Statement.
•    The application is in conformity with the general intent of the policies of the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law. 


That Zoning By-Law Amendment Application ZBA19-22-DN from The Angrish Group, Agent on behalf of Joshua and Danielle Korganowski Cromwell, Applicant/ Owner of Part Lot 85 Tract Burtch, County of Brant, in the geographic Township of Brantford, municipally known as 70 River Road, proposing to change the zoning on the subject lands from Agricultural (A) to Rural Residential with Special Exemption (RR-60) to permit a reduced minimum rear yard setback of 10 metres (33 feet), where a minimum of 15 metres (49 feet) is required in order to facilitate further residential lot creation through a subsequent consent application within the Rural Residential land use designation, be approved. 

And that the reason(s) for approval are as follows:

  • The application will facilitate residential development within the Rural Residential designation that is desirable and consistent with surrounding land uses;  
  • The application is consistent with the policies of Provincial Policy Statement and in conformity to the policies of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe; and 
  • The application conforms to the policies of the Official Plan and is in keeping with the intent of the Zoning By-Law. 


That application ZBA32-22-BK from Urban Solutions Planning & Land Development Consultants Inc. on behalf of Steve Charest, owner of Concession 5, Parts of Sub Lot 2 and Sub Lot 3, West of the Grand River, in the geographic township of South Dumfries, located at 428 and 452 West River Road, to temporarily amend the zoning of a portion of the lands from Agriculture (A) to Special Exception Temporary Zone (T-100) to permit two (2) dwelling units for a period of three (3) years, be approved; 

And that the reasons for approval are as follows:

•    The proposed zoning change is consisted with Sections 34 and 39 of the Planning Act,
•    The proposed zoning change is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and conforms to the policies of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020), and
•    The proposed zoning change is in conformity with the policies of the County of Brant Official Plan (2012) and meets the general intent of County of Brant Zoning By-Law 61-16, as amended. 


That report RPT-0290-22 be received; and

That the County initiated Official Plan Amendments outlined within Attachments 1 and 2 of RPT-0290-22 in response to changes to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13 as a result of Bill 109 More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022, be approved.


That application ZBH31-22-BK from Cynthia Baycetich/ Vicano Construction Ltd, applicant on behalf of Tigercat International Inc, owner of Concession 1, Part of Lots 27 and 28 and Part of the Gore fronting Lots 27 & 28, in the geographic Township of South Dumfries and the former Town of Paris, located at 160 Consolidated Drive, to amend the zoning of a portion of the lands from Heavy Industrial with a Holding Provision (h-M3) to Heavy Industrial (M3) for the purposes of undertaking a Site Plan Control application for the industrial development of the lands, be approved.

And that the reason(s) for approval are as follows:

•    The proposed zoning change is consistent with Sections 34 and 36 of the Planning Act
•    The proposed zoning change is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and conforms to the policies of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020),
•    The proposed zoning change is in conformity with the policies of Section 6.5.2 of the County of Brant Official Plan (2012) and meets the requirements of Section 15.1 of County of Brant Zoning By-Law 61-16, as amended.


That Site Plan Control Application SP14/21/DN from Dave Aston of MHBC Planning, Applicant, on behalf of Losani Homes (Paris) Ltd., Owner of lands legally known as Plan 2M-1956, Block 97, municipally known as 1067 Rest Acres Rd, Geographic Town of Paris, County of Brant, proposing to develop the subject lands with a common element condominium consisting of 101 3-storey residential row-house units, be approved. 

And that the reason(s) for approval are as follows:

  • The application provides for a compatible land use representing an appropriate application of the general community and urban design polices. 
  • The application conforms to the policies of the County of Brant Official Plan and complies with the provisions of Zoning By-Law 61-16. 
  • The application conforms to the policies of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and is consistent with the policies of Provincial Policy Statement.

December 6, 2022 at County of Brant Council Chambers.

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