Planning and Development Committee Minutes

Meeting #:
Electronic Participation only
Members of Council Present:
  • Mayor Bailey,
  • Councillors Wheat,
  • MacAlpine,
  • Laferriere,
  • Howes,
  • Bell,
  • Peirce,
  • Miller,
  • Chambers,
  • Coleman,
  • and Gatward
  • Bradley,
  • Zuidema,
  • Walton,
  • Duesling,
  • Vaughan,
  • Boyer,
  • Cummins,
  • Kortleve,
  • Wyszynski,
  • and Crozier

Councillor Miller in the Chair.

  • Moved byMayor Bailey
    Seconded byCouncillor Coleman

    That the agenda for the March 2, 2021 meeting of the Planning and Development Committee be approved.

  • Moved byCouncillor Peirce
    Seconded byCouncillor Wheat

    That the Planning and Development Committee minutes of February 2, 2021, be approved.


Ryan Cummins, Planner, made a presentation and reviewed the application, which is presented to receive information from the public prior to staff’s detailed analysis.

Adam Lohonyai, Agent

A. Lohonyai outlined the application, noting that the applicant intends to construct a larger residence on the subject lands in compliance with the Suburban Residential zoning and Official Plan designation, and that the Agricultural zoned land is too small of an area to be usefully farmed. In response to a question, he clarified that the existing dwelling is intended to be retained during the construction of the new dwelling and then demolished.

Members of the Public


Committee Consideration

  • Moved byCouncillor Wheat
    Seconded byCouncillor Coleman

    That the presentations made regarding application ZBA02/21/RC be received as information and referred to staff for further analysis.


Amanda Wyszynski, Planner, made a presentation and reviewed the application. In response to concerns regarding the need for the applicant to submit a Zoning By-law amendment when the permitted use is not being amended, she noted that as a result of the concurrent severance application the legal non-conforming status of the undersized farm parcel was removed and a rezoning application was required. Further concern was expressed with the need for a special provision for undersized farm parcels, noting that this has not previously applied by Council, as well as considering that the minimum farm parcel size of 40ha is increasingly becoming obsolete. Mat Vaughan, Director of Development Planning, further noted that a legal interpretation was provided necessitating the rezoning application, but that refinements can be made, including during the ongoing Official Plan review, to avoid a similar situation in the future.

Bob Lefebvre, Lefebvre and Lefebvre LLP, Agent

B. Lefebvre reviewed the application noting that the severed lands were a triangle that was difficult for the applicants to farm, whereas the benefitting owner has a hobby farm and can farm the land more efficiently. He further noted his concern in requiring the rezoning application and the removal of the legal non-conforming status from the subject lands, noting that the minor rezoning fee is $3000 as well as the need to provide road widening to the County.

Members of the Public


Committee Consideration

Councillor Chambers questioned the addition of reasons for approval at the end of each staff recommendation and posited that each application could have various reasons for approval or refusal beyond the standard reasons that are being provided. He further noted that a policy discussion should be held to review the matter and determine Council’s position. M. Vaughan clarified that the addition of reasons for the approval or refusal of an application assist Planning staff with the explanation for Council’s decision on an application that is required to be included with the public notices.

  • Moved byCouncillor Coleman
    Seconded byCouncillor Chambers

    That Application ZBA03/21/AW received from Lefebvre and Lefebvre LLP and Neil Sisler on behalf of Joyce and Daniel Chapin, owners of lands described as, Part Lot 10, Part Block 4 to 5, Kerr Tract, Range 2, WMP, in the geographic Township of Brantford, County of Brant, and located at 209 Pleasant Ridge Road, to rezone the subject lands from Agricultural (A) to Agricultural with site specific provision (A-168) to recognize an undersized farm parcel of approximately 27.3 hectares (67.5 acres), whereas a minimum of 40 hectares (98.8 acres) is required, be approved;

    And that the reasons for the approval of application ZBA03/21/AW are as follows:

    • The application is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2020).
    • The application conforms to the policies of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020).
    • The application is in conformity with the general intent of the policies of the County of Brant Official Plan (2012);
    • The application maintains the intent of the County of Brant Zoning By-Law 61-16.

Brandon Kortleve, Planner, made a presentation outlining the conclusions of Phase 2 of the new Official Plan engagement.

In discussion it was noted that much of the engagement occurred in the Paris area, and it was questioned how those in rural and non-Paris urban areas can be better engaged in the process. As well, Councillor Laferriere noted that the  reach of the EngageBrant platform could be broadened by recommending those who engage with Council on a matter be directed to EngageBrant to register.

Councillor Chambers highlighted that the engagement report places a significance on growth and development in urban areas, and outlined the significant changes in agricultural and rural lifestyle that have occurred since the last Official Plan review, indicating that this Official Plan needs to recognize the changes in rural areas. B. Kortleve responded that staff have undertaken policy measures to assist with the transition in agricultural during the tenure of the current Official Plan, and are routinely consulting with OMAFRA, the Brant Federation of Agriculture, and the Agricultural Advisory Committee amongst others to respond to changes in the agricultural sector. As well, he noted that they will undertaking an agricultural systems mapping to ensure that agricultural operations have sufficient support systems available, and that the surveys did show the importance that agriculture has on the County of Brant.

  • Moved byCouncillor Howes
    Seconded byCouncillor Wheat

    That staff report RPT-21-52 - Official Plan Engagement be received as information.


Jennifer Boyer, Manager of Policy Planning, outlined key highlights of staff report RPT-21-29 and introduced Jamie Cook and Brad Post of Watson and Associates who undertook the Assessment.

J. Cook outlined the Assessment which examined the amount of residential lands available in the urban areas of the County’s primary settlement areas, which are the Paris, and St. George Settlement Areas for the purposes of land budgeting for intensification and designated green-field development areas. He explained that following the initial presentation of the Growth Forecasts to Council in December 2020, they are proposing a revised housing growth allocation from 89% urban (Paris and St. George) and 11% for the remaining settlement areas of the County to a 80% urban (60% in Paris, 20% in St. George) 20% split, noting that wastewater considerations in St. George could impact its ability to absorb further growth. He further provided an overview of the Provincial policy framework that guided the Assessment and the changes that have been recently made.

With respect to the intensification target which is based on the existing built up area of Paris and St. George, B. Post noted that the County currently has a 15% target, and with 69 units annually in the period between 2016 and 2021 it has represented 29% of all growth in the County during that period. As well, he noted that 1,165 units are currently in the planning process and 64ha of additional land identified for potential development. As such, they are recommending that the County’s intensification target be raised to 20% of total housing for the 2022 to 2051 period, which includes the 1,165 already in the planning process and potential to accommodate an additional 2,800 to 4,900 units.

With regard to “Community Area Designated Greenfield Area (DGA), J. Cook explained that Paris and St. George have sufficient supply of DGA lands (395 gross hectares) to meet demand until 2051, and are not recommending an expansion of the current areas. As well, he noted that the Province has removed the requirement to have include Employment lands in the people and jobs per Hecate calculation, which makes it easier for municipalities to reach the growth targets and focus on various types of housing products. He indicated the recommendation that the County target for at least 50 people and jobs per hectare, noting the minimum density requirement is 40 people and jobs per hectare.

Following the presentation, J. Cook, B. Post and J. Boyer answered questions from members of the Committee. They provided the following responses:

  • The Growth Management and Phasing of Development Strategy will permit the growth in the period to 2051 to be appropriately staggered to avoid a rush of development, and to ensure proper phasing for infrastructure improvements. As well, the polices to be included in the new Official Plan are paramount in ensuring that development occurs in a phased approach and the tracking of new builds per year will occur by Development Services. As well, it was explained that the density target of 50 jobs and persons per hectare can provide for good urban design and address issues such as on street parking through zoning changes that have plagued recent subdivisions.
  • Further engagement will occur on this subject matter prior to its approval by Council, with more town halls and other engagement pieces planned, noting that interested parties can contact staff with any questions.
  • A breakdown of the units constructed per year since 2016 will be provided to members.
  • With regard to recommending targets that are higher than the Provincial minimums, it was explained that the recommended targets for intensification and DGA development are viewed as appropriate targets for the County to achieve the goal of creating complete communities, appropriate housing products, and is the optimal solution for this growth period, noting that options to show how a lower or higher target than the recommendations would work can be provided.
  • This study focused on the Paris and St. George urban settlement areas, and the expansion of non-urban residential boundaries are untaken through a different lens and process. An answer on the capacity for new residential units in the Oakhill area based on the expanded Airport Water System will be provided.
  • The surplus residential lands (totaling approximately 395 gross hectares) will retain their status, but policies can be imposed to prohibit their development in the plan horizon.

Concern was raised by members of the Committee with the proposed staff recommendation effectively setting the targets without providing a further opportunity for consultation with the public and the development community. It was noted that further online engagement will occur, and further special Council meetings will be held including a public meeting as required under the Planning Act.

  • Moved byCouncillor Wheat
    Seconded byCouncillor Bell

    That staff report RPT-21-29 - New Official Plan Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR) Technical Analysis - Community Area (Residential) Land Needs Assessment be received as information and circulated for comment and further community input prior to the final version of the Community Area (Residential) Land Needs Assessment being presented for Council's consideration.




Committee convened In Camera at 9:08 p.m. to discuss a litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board, and, Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.  This portion of the meeting is recorded in the Confidential – In Camera minutes of March 2, 2021.  Committee reconvened in Open Session at 9:20 p.m. on a motion of Mayor Bailey and Councillor Gatward.

  • Moved byCouncillor Peirce
    Seconded byCouncillor Howes

    That Committee convene in camera to discuss a litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board, and, advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.


Verbal Update - LPAT Hearing – Pleasant Ridge Road - J. Zuidema

To discuss a litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board, and, Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.


*(Settlement Document Attached)

Committee adjourned at 9:20 p.m. to meet again on Tuesday, April 6, 2021 by Electronic Participation Only.