Committee of Adjustment

Meeting #:
Council Chambers
7 Broadway Street West
Paris, ON

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THAT Consent Application B10-24-KD from GSP Group c/o Brandon Flewwelling for lands known legally known as CONSESSION 10 LOT 24, in the former geographic township of Burford, municipally known as 375 Harley Road, County of Brant, proposing to sever 13.636 hectares (33.69 acres) of the subject lands (shown as PART 1 in the Site Plan) as a lot addition to the adjacent agricultural land to the west, BE APPROVED, subject to the attached conditions.

THAT the reason(s) for approval are as follows:

  • The application is in conformity with the policies of the Provincial Planning Statement regarding minor boundary adjustments for legal or technical reasons.
  • The application is in conformity with the general intent of the policies of the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law.

THAT Consent Application B12-24-KD from GSP Group c/o Brandon Flewwelling for lands known legally known as CONSESSION 10 LOT 24, in the former geographic township of Burford, municipally known as 375 Harley Road, County of Brant, proposing to sever 0.098 hectares (0.24 acres) of the subject lands (shown as PART 3 in the Site Plan) to be added to the existing residential lot at 365 Harley Road, BE APPROVED, subject to the attached conditions.

THAT the reason(s) for approval are as follows:

  • The application is in conformity with the policies of the Provincial Planning Statement regarding minor boundary adjustments for legal or technical reasons.
  • The application is in conformity with the general intent of the policies of the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law.


THAT Consent Application B20-24-NM from Shari Hollett, Owner of lands legally described as CONCESSION 1 PART LOT 18, in the Former Township of Brantford, and municipally known as 542 Paris Road, proposing a lot line adjustment of approximately 5486.7 square metres to be added to the lands at 544 Paris Road, known as benefiting lands BE APPROVED, subject to the attached conditions.

THAT the reason(s) for approval are as follows:

  • The proposal is consistent with the Provincial Planning Statement (2024) and conforms and meets policies in the County of Brant Official Plan (2024) and Zoning By-law 61-16.


THAT Application for Minor Variance A16-24-NM from J.H. Cohoon Engineering Ltd. on behalf of George Lou and Vassilki Karmiris, Owners of lands legally described as RANGE 2 SHR PT LOT D RP 2R6425 PART 1, in the Geographic Township of Brantford; County of Brant and municipally known as 72 Hammond Road, requesting relief from Section 4, Table 4.4.1 of the Zoning By-Law to permit a maximum lot coverage of 278.73 square metres whereas 140 square metres is permitted and a height of 5.54 metres, whereas, and 5 metres are permitted, BE APPROVED, subject to the attached conditions.

THAT the reason(s) for approval are as follows:

  • The proposed variance is in keeping with the general intent of the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law 61-16;
  • The relief requested is considered minor in nature and is desirable for the appropriate development and use of the subject lands.
  • The proposed variances meet the four tests of the Planning Act.