Brant Heritage Committee

Meeting #:
Council Chambers
7 Broadway Street West
Paris, ON

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That the Brant Heritage Committee agenda of July 04, 2024, be approved.


That the Brant Heritage Committee minutes of June 06, 2024 be approved.


THAT the following recommendations and directions, as further outlined in this report, be sent to the Administration and Operations Committee and Council for direction, including:

  1. That the heritage planning duties outlined in this report be formalized under the Policy Planning Division as part of the forthcoming review of staff’s operational duties and that consideration for a consultant to undertake heritage designations be referred to the 2025 Budget process.
  2. That staff prepare a report on heritage incentives to be considered in the 2025 Budget process.
  3. That user-friendly resources be prepared and made available for property owners related to heritage designations, and that the County’s heritage register be included on the updated Arts, Culture and Heritage webpage before September 2024.
  4. That a standard heritage designation by-law template be created to meet legislative requirements and that the attached submission guideline for heritage studies be endorsed by Council for use in the development application process.
  5. That the focus for heritage conservation in downtown Paris be on pursuing individual designations and not a heritage conservation district.
  6. That the forthcoming report on implementation tools includes consideration and implications of a community planning permit system, building by-law requirements and demolition control to benefit heritage conservation.

AND THAT RPT-0346-24, recommending implementation of the Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy regarding Heritage Planning in the County of Brant, be endorsed by the Brant Heritage Committee and received as information by Council.

September 5, 2024 at 4:00 pm in the County of Brant Council Chambers.