Planning and Development Committee

Meeting #:
Council Chambers
7 Broadway Street West
Paris, ON


That the agenda for the March 12, 2024 Planning and Development Committee be approved. 


That the Planning and Development Committee minutes of February 13, 2024 be approved.


That Telecommunication Tower Application CT3-23-HH from Forbes Bros Ltd. c/o Jacqueline Johnston Agent, on behalf of owners John Dyk, of Concession 3, Part Lot 23, geographic Township of Burford, municipally known as 162 Fourth Concession Road, County of Brant, proposing the installation of a 45-metre (147.63 ft) tall, self-support telecommunication structure, situated within a 3m x 3m area, be received.

And that the Clerk be directed to inform Forbes Bros Ltd. (FBL):
a) That Forbes Bros Ltd. (FBL) has completed consultation with the County of Brant and the public; and
b) That the Telecommunication Tower as proposed at 162 Fourth Concession Road is in accordance with Section 4.iii – ‘Preferred Location Guidelines’ of the ‘Communication Tower and Communication Antenna Preferred Location Protocol (2020)’.


That Telecommunication Tower Application CT4-23-HH from FONTUR International Inc. care of SIGNUM Wireless Towers Inc, owned by the County of Brant, municipally known as Concession 4, former geographic Township of South Dumfries, municipally known as 525 Scenic Drive, County of Brant, proposing the installation of a 50 metre (164 feet) tall, self-support telecommunication structure, situated within a 3m x 3m area, be received.

And that the Clerk be directed to inform SIGNUM Wireless Towers Inc. (SWT):

a)That SIGNUM Wireless Towers Inc (SWT) has completed consultation with the County of Brant and the public; and

b)That the Telecommunication Tower as proposed at 525 Scenic Road is not in accordance with Section 4.iii – ‘Preferred Location Guidelines’ of the ‘Communication Tower and Communication Antenna Preferred Location Protocol (2020)’.


That the zoning by-law amendment application proposing to rezone a portion of the property from ‘A’ to ‘RH’ in order to sever five (5) building lots, be received as information and any comments/ submissions regarding this application be referred to staff for review.


That RPT-0177-24 be received as information; and

That Committee provide direction back to County Staff on regulation of chickens in residential areas of the County to assist Staff in preparing a new draft “Backyard Hen By-Law” for Committee’s further consideration;

And That County Staff be directed to undertake amendments to the County of Brant Animal Control By-Law 174-10 and Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 61-16 as outlined within this report.


That the minutes from the Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting of February 26, 2024, be approved. 

April 9, 2024 at County of Brant Council Chambers.