Administration and Operations Committee

Meeting #:
Council Chambers
7 Broadway Street West
Paris, ON

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That the agenda for the July 16, 2024 Administration and Operations Committee, be approved. 


That OPS-RFT-24-19 Asphalt Mill and Pave be awarded to GIP Paving Inc. for the bid price of $927,740.00 (excluding HST);

And that $3,000.00 be transferred from project RFC176 Burford Community Centre South -East Parking Lot Paving (GL#752533) to project PRT249 Rising Park Pathway Paving (GL#751759);

And that the associated parts of OPS-RFT-24-19 be funded as per the breakdown included in Appendix 1.


That RPT-0363-24 be received as information.

That the County of Brant join the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Coalition of Inclusive Municipalities.

And that Mayor Bailey sign the Declaration to Join the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Coalition of Inclusive Municipalities, on behalf of the County of Brant.


Whereas fees and charges for all Municipal services including applications, licenses and permits are established through the Municipal Fees and Charges By-Law;

And whereas additional recreational programs, facilities and cemetery services are offered to meet the needs of the Community;

Therefore, be it recommended that the following additions and revisions to the 2024 Municipal Fees & Charges By-Law be approved:

Senior Programs

Seniors Dance/Workshop          $10.00 per participant (includes HST)

Seniors Program                        $25.00 per participant (includes HST)

Seniors Art Workshop               $35.00 per participant (includes HST)

Facility Administration/Miscellaneous

Event Security Deposit (refundable)     $250.00 (includes HST)

Special Occasion Permit Event Security Deposit (refundable)  $500.00 (including HST)

Dressing Room Annual Fee                  $2,000.00 (excluding HST)

Dressing Room Monthly Fee                 $187.50 (excluding HST)

St. George Lawn Bowling Club

Clubhouse Rental Rate                         $150.00 per day (includes HST)

Clubhouse Rental Rate                         $40.00 per hour (includes HST)

Cemetery Services

Bereavement Authority of Ontario Consumer Protection Fee    $30.00 (includes HST)

Saturday (extra) Full Burial                    $600.00 (excluding HST)

Saturday (extra) Cremation                   $260.00 (excluding HST)


That RPT-0366-24 Update to the 2024 Council and Committee Calendar be received as information;

And that the July 30th Planning and Development Committee meeting be removed from the 2024 Council and Committee Calendar.


That the County of Brant renew the Municipal Insurance and Risk Management Program with Intact Public Entities Inc. (IPE) for a one-year term commencing August 30, 2024, at the annual premium amount of $2,028,608.00 plus applicable taxes; and

That the Chief Administrative Officer be directed to execute all applicable renewal documents on behalf of The Corporation of the County of Brant to effect the renewal.

Recommendation (Deferred by Council June 25, 2024)

That the following recommendation deferred by Council June 25, 2024 be forwarded for Council's consideration:

"That the Main Branch Library project updates provided in this report be received as information;

And that Council direct staff to finalize detailed designs and issue tender documents;

And that Council direct staff to prepare and FCM Green Municipal Fund grant application for the Paris Fire Hall, as amended, be deferred".


That the 2024 Development Charges Update presentation of the final report and by-law be deferred for consideration at the September Council meeting;

That a by-law to amend the County of Brant Development Charges By-law Number 100-19, removing the expiration date of the current by-law, be brought forward for Council’s consideration on July 23, 2024;

And that staff continue to work with members of the development community and the public who have expressed an interest in meaningful dialogue regarding the Development Charges Background Study and By-law to respond to questions and address concerns raised and to present any proposed amendments through an addendum to the Background Study in September.


WHEREAS, staff presented RPT-198-23 at Policy Development Committee meeting on May 23, 2023 to bring forward the necessary by-law amendments to implement an Administrative Penalty System; and

WHEREAS, on July 25, 2023, Council enacted By-law #88-23, being a by-law to establish and operate an Administrative Penalty System for violations of by-laws enacted under the authority of the Municipal Act;

THAT the Committee receive this report; and

THAT By-law #88-23 and its schedules been repealed; and

THAT the Committee and Council approve the enactment of the Administrative Penalty By-law and Schedules, attached as Appendix 1, being a by-law to establish and operate an Administrative Penalty System for violations of the County of Brant Parking By-law and future designated non-parking by-laws enacted under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Building Code Act; and

THAT the Committee approve, and Council enact by By-law, the mandatory policies attached as Appendix 2.1 to 2.5, which support the operationalization and integrity of the Administrative Penalty System; and

1.Policy to Prevent Political Interference

2.Conflict of Interest Policy

3.Policy Regarding Financial Management and Reporting

4.Public Complaints Policy

5.Undue Hardship Policy


THAT the proposed amendments to the County of Brant Parking By-law #004-19, attached as Appendix 3, be approved; and

THAT Schedule 17 of the County Parking By-law 004-19 be repealed; and

THAT, pursuant to By-law #87-23 being a By-law to establish the positions of Screening and Hearing Officers, Madeline Huether and Julie McKeen be appointed as Screening Officers for the purpose of conducting screening reviews for Penalty Notices issued under the County Parking By-law and non-parking By-laws; and

THAT the attached Administrative Penalty System By-law, Schedules, and Parking By-law No. 004-19 amendments simultaneously come into force and effect upon the execution and delivery of the Authorized Requestor Agreement between the County of Brant and the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, governing Administrative Penalties.


Whereas a Standing Court of Revision for the current Council Term (2022-2026) was appointed through RPT-0202-24;

And Whereas Drains subject to Section 97(3) of the Drainage Act RSO 1990, specific Court of Revision appointments be made by Council as they are required;

THAT one (1) representative for the County of Brant be appointed to the Court of Revision for the Gore Municipal Drain in the Township of Norwich respecting any appeals of the Engineer’s Report, as prepared by R.J. Burnside & Associates, dated May 2024.


That the Newport River Access Project be cancelled;

That Staff be directed to assess, and report back to Committee, the viability of sale of the Property, or other potential uses for the Property;

That the donation received from BWF, in the amount of $50,000, be returned to BWF;

That the cost for Property acquisition, in the amount of $89,592, be funded via the Property Reserve and that any remaining TIRA reserve funds previously approved be returned to that fund;

That staff be directed to cancel CPS-RFT-22-01 Newport River Access Point in the amount of $219,032.09 + HST as awarded to South Brant Excavating, March 22, 2022.

And further that the County of Brant support and assist Six Nations of the Grand River in the creation of new river access point if deemed viable.


That staff be authorized to continue discussions and enter into negotiations with the proponent to lease a portion of the Oakland Community Centre for the purposes of opening a childcare centre;

And that staff hire a consultant to prepare a renovation floor plan acceptable to the Oakland Community Centre Volunteer Management Committee, the proponent and all authorities having jurisdiction.

And that staff prepare a draft lease agreement for Council approval upon the finalization of negotiations if successful.


Whereas the 2024 approved budget included a contribution from the Contingency Reserve of $1.5mil with the assumption the 2023 Surplus would be directed to the Contingency Reserve;
And whereas Council resolved in March 2024 to fund requests from agencies providing support to victims of Intimate Partner Violence/Gender-based Violence from the 2023 Surplus totalling $266,177;
That the 2023 Surplus report detailing an overall surplus of $892,703 be received for information;
And that the remaining $626,526 be transferred to the Contingency Reserve.


That the Brant Heritage Committee minutes and report of July 4, 2024 be approved including the following recommendation:

  1. That the following recommendations and directions, as further outlined in this report, be sent to the Administration and Operations Committee and Council for direction, including:
    1. That the heritage planning duties outlined in this report be formalized under the Policy Planning Division as part of the forthcoming review of staff's operational duties and that consideration for a consultant to undertake heritage designations be referred to the 2025 Budget process.
    2. That staff prepare a report on heritage incentives to be considered in the 2025 Budget process.
    3. That user-friendly resources be prepared and made available for property owners related to heritage designations, and that the County’s heritage register be included on the updated Arts, Culture and Heritage webpage before September 2024.
    4. That a standard heritage designation by-law template be created to meet legislative requirements and that the attached submission guideline for heritage studies be endorsed by Council for use in the development application process.
    5. That a heritage district conservation study not commence at this time, until further education and consultation has been undertaken, and until the conclusion of the Downtown Paris Master Plan implementation, and that the focus remain on individual designations.
    6. That the forthcoming report on implementation tools includes consideration and implications of a community planning permit system, building by-law requirements and demolition control to benefit heritage conservation.

AND THAT RPT-0346-24, recommending implementation of the Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy regarding Heritage Planning in the County of Brant, be endorsed by the Brant Heritage Committee and received as information by Council.



That the Tourism Advisory Committee Minutes of July 4, 2024 be received. 

S.239(2)(c) A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board and (f) Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege (RPT–0358-24Disposition of Land – Unopened Road Allowance) C. Glassford


S.239(2)(b) Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (RPT-0357-24 Department Staffing) C. Stevenson


S.239(2)(c) A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board (RPT-0337-24 79 King Edward Street, Paris) R. Walton


September 17, 2024 at County of Brant Council Chambers.