County of Brant Council

Meeting #:
Council Chambers
7 Broadway Street West
Paris, ON

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As we gather, we acknowledge that we meet on the lands and territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, Six Nations of the Grand River, and the traditional territory of the Attiwanderonk. 

We remind ourselves that the County of Brant is situated on lands that are full of rich Indigenous history and home to many First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people today; we recognize the significance of their contributions to the past, present, and future of this land.

As a County we have a shared responsibility for the stewardship of the land on which we live and work and a commitment to the Truth and Reconciliation calls to action. We commit to continue learning, reflecting on our past, and working in allyship.


That the County of Brant Council agenda for February 11, 2025 be approved.

The previous minutes were approved at the January 28, 2025 County of Brant Council meeting.


That Telecommunication Tower Application CT2-24-NM from Signum Wireless Inc. c/o Lucas Cuff, on behalf of Brandon Nelson and Jennifer Fletcher, Applicants/Owners of Part of Lot 41, Concession 1, County of Brant, in the former geographic township of Brantford, located at 182 Governor’s Road East proposing a 40-metre (131.23 ft.) self-supported tower within a fenced-in ground compound area of 144 square metres be received;

And that the Clerk be directed to inform Signum Wireless Inc.:

  1. That Signum Wireless Inc. has completed consultation with the County of Brant and the public, A minimum Stage 1 Archeological Study is to be conducted on the site; and
  2. That the Telecommunication Tower as proposed at 182 Governor’s Road East is in accordance with Section 4.iii – ‘Preferred Location Guidelines’ of the ‘Communication Tower and Communication Antenna Preferred Location Protocol (2020)’.


That Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA20-24-DN - from R W Phillips, J H Cohoon Engineering, Agent, on behalf of owners Renzo & Lenuta Tonietto, of 49 River Road, to amend the zoning on the subject lands from Agricultural (A) to Rural Residential (RR) to conform with the 2012 Rural Residential Official Plan Designation, be received as information and any comments / submissions regarding this application be referred to staff for review.


That Zoning By-Law Amendment Application ZBA12-24-KD & Draft Plan of Subdivision Application (PS1-24-KD) from J.H. Cohoon Engineering Limited c/o Bob Philips and The Angrish Group c/o Ruchika Angrish on behalf of Haley Elevator Inc. c/o Micheal Haley, applicant/ owner of CONCESSION 13 PART LOT 1 to 3, REGISTERED PLAN 2R1765 PART 1, County of Brant, in the geographic Former Township of Burford, municipally known as 29 Thirteenth Concession Road proposes to change the zoning on the subject lands from ‘Special Exception Holding Suburban Residential (h-33-SR)’ to the ‘Suburban Residential ‘SR’, and ‘Open Space (OS1)’ zones to facilitate the creation of 77 single detached lots, a park block, storm water management block and multiple walkway blocks, BE DEFFERED, for up to six months; And

THAT the reason(s) for Deferral are as follows: The applicant is requesting additional time to work through the comments provided on the second submission and to allow time for Cambium, the peer reviewer for the hydrogeological study, to review and provide comments


Whereas the County of Brant initiated an update to its Telecommunication Tower Protocol in July 2024 and, following public consultation, has prepared a final draft for Council’s consideration;

Therefore, be it resolved that Report RPT-0057-25 – Telecommunication Tower Protocol Update be received as information;

That any previous version of the County’s Telecommunication Tower Protocol be rescinded, and the updated protocol forming Attachment 1 to this report be adopted as Policy No. DVS-2025-001 in the County’s Corporate Policy Manual;

And that staff be directed to update the County’s Delegation of Authority By-Law to grant authority to issue a letter of concurrence for proposals that align with the 2024 Telecommunication Tower Protocol, as drafted in Attachment 2 to this report.


That Report RPT-0078-25 – Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund Requirements – Direction on Zoning for 4 Units As-of-Right be received as information, and

That staff be directed to proceed with a zoning by-law amendment to consider permitting four residential units as-of-right in fully serviced areas to qualify for the Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund – Direct Delivery Stream funding.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at 6:00 pm in the County of Brant Council Chambers.