County of Brant Council

Meeting #:
Council Chambers
7 Broadway Street West
Paris, ON


That the agenda for the May 9, 2023 County of Brant Council meeting be approved. 


That Application ZBA6/23/LG from Corbett Land Strategies Inc., Agent on behalf of Sravya Enagala and Venkata Solleti, Owner of lands described as PLAN 47, LOT 6, in the geographic Township of Brantford, municipally known as 738 Mount Pleasant Road, County of Brant, be approved to rezone the subject lands from Suburban Residential (SR) to:

1. Suburban Residential with site specific provision 61 (SR-61)

  • To permit area of approximately 747 square metres (0.18 acres), whereas a minimum of 1,000 square metres (0.25 acres) is required.
  • To permit frontage of 7.82 metres (25.66 feet), whereas a minimum 20 metres (65.62 feet) is required.
  • To permit exterior side yard setback of 5.0 metres (16.40 feet), whereas a minimum of 7.5 metres (24.61 feet) is required.
  • All other provision of the By-Law apply;

2.  Holding – Suburban Residential with site specific provision 61 (h-SR-61)

  •  To rezone the severed lands with a holding provision due to water servicing capacity restraints.
  •  All other provision of the By-Law apply;

And that the reason(s) for the approval are as follows:

  • The application is in conformity with the policies of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and consistent with the policies of Provincial Policy Statement.
  • The application is in conformity with the general intent of the policies of the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law.


That RPT- 0201-23 New Proposed Provincial Planning Statement 2023 & Bill 97 Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023 – Proposed Legislative Update and Comments be received; and

That RPT-0201-23 be forwarded to the Province of Ontario through the associated consultations posted on the Environmental Registry and Ontario Regulatory Registry as appropriate; and

That the new proposed Provincial Planning Statement, specifically proposed policy 4.3.3 – Lot Creation and Lot Adjustment has the potential to adversely affect farming in the County of Brant and overall food production and security for all of Ontario.  Creating any additional residential lots in the agricultural area, particularly prime agricultural areas (class 1-3 soils) is not supported by the County of Brant.  It is estimated that an approximate 7,768 acres of prime agricultural lands will be taken out of production as a result of this proposed policy change in the County of Brant. The Lot Creation and Lot Adjustments policies of the 2020 Provincial Policy Statement should remain; and 

That the County of Brant request the Province of Ontario commit to an enhanced municipal consultation process such as by establishing technical working groups with municipalities, Indigenous communities, and other stakeholders on the proposed policy changes in the new Proposed Provincial Planning Statement 2023; and

That report RPT-0201-23 be shared with the two Conservation Authorities having jurisdiction within the County of Brant. 

RPT-0192-22 S.239(2)(e) Litigation matters and S.239(2)(f) Advice subject to solicitor client privilege (70-72 Beverly Street West – ZBA and Plan of Subdivision) J. Zuidema


RPT-0191-22 S.239(2)(e) Litigation matters and S.239(2)(f) Advice subject to solicitor client privilege (23 Beverly Street East - ZBA) J. Zuidema


May 16, 2023 at County of Brant Council Chambers.