Administration and Operations Committee

Meeting #:
Council Chambers
7 Broadway Street West
Paris, ON

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That the agenda for the Administration and Operations Committee meeting of December 10, 2024 be approved. 


That the Administration and Operations Committee minutes of November 19, 2024 be approved. 


That Council authorize staff to write off taxes under the authority of Sections 357 and 358 of the Municipal Act as follows: 

        Municipal Share    $156,174.08
        School Share        $ 58,198.92
        Total Write-off        $214,373.00

And that the final payment to the School Boards be reduced by the amount of $58,198.92 for their share of the taxes written off.


That RPT-0537-24 Interim Tax Levy Bylaw, be received as information;

And that the Interim Tax Levy Bylaw be forwarded to Council for consideration.


Whereas Section 78 of the Drainage Act (the “Act”) prescribes that “if a drainage works has been constructed under a by-law passed under the Act of any predecessor of the Act, and the Council of the municipality that is responsible for maintaining and repairing the drainage works considers it appropriate to undertake one or more of the projects listed in subsection (1.1) for the better use, maintenance or repair of the drainage works or of lands or roads, the municipality may undertake and complete the project in accordance with the report of an engineer appointed by it and without the petition required by Section 4”;

And whereas Section 78(5) of the Act prescribes that despite subsections (2) to (4), the Minister may prescribe the process for approving minor improvements to a drainage works mentioned in paragraph 8 of subsection (1.1).

And whereas a property owner assessed into the Rathbun Municipal Drain has filed a notice of request for drain minor improvement with the County of Brant (the County) dated December 2, 2024;

And whereas the project being requested meets the criteria for a minor improvement project as described in O. Reg. 500/21, Part II, section 7(1);

Be it hereby resolved that in accordance with Section 78(5) of the Act, the County hereby appoints Streamline Engineering Inc. as the engineer to prepare a report for council’s consideration in accordance with the requirements of the Drainage Act.


Whereas the residential Blue Box program will transition to the management and operation by Circular Materials Ontario (CMO) on behalf of the Producers on January 1, 2025;

Be it hereby resolved that Solid Waste Control Bylaw 146-17 be repealed and replaced with Bylaw XX-24 as presented in this report due to the transition of the Blue Box program.


That RPT-0543-24 be received as information;

And that should Council deem necessary, a member of County Council be appointed to serve on the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Update Ad Hoc Committee.


THAT the Committee approve the repealing of Automated Speed Enforcement by-law #86-23 and replace it with the attached by-law; and

THAT the attached by-law be presented to Council for enactment at the December Council meeting; and

THAT The Committee approve the attached Automated Speed Enforcement Administrative Penalties (ASE AP) Guidelines for Reviews.


Whereas the Roads Division report RPT-21-291 was passed by Council November 23, 2021, authorizing County of Brant (County) staff to enter into direct negotiations with Metro Freightliner and Viking-Cives to replenish scheduled winter equipment for a four (4) year period (2022-2025);

And Whereas the vehicles and winter equipment put forward in this report are essential to maintaining the County’s road network;

That the following purchases be approved:

  1. Two (2) 28,000 kg/62,000 lbs. G.V.W.R Tandem Axle Cab and Chassis Diesel Truck to be awarded to Metro Freightliner Brantford, being the vehicle has met all required specifications at fair current market value; $201,452 per unit plus tax.
  2. That the purchase of winter control equipment package for one (1) Tandem axle cab and chassis be awarded to Viking-Cives, being that the winter equipment and specifications have been met at current fair market value; $215,795 plus tax.
  3. That the purchase of one plow/roll off body be awarded to Viking-Cives, being that the specifications have been met at current fair market value; $217,610 plus tax.

And Whereas this winter equipment has been approved by Council through RPT-0483-24 for the 2025 budget approval process and is to be funded through the Capital Fleet reserve.


That staff be directed to start the Operations Capital project tender process in advance of the 2025 Budget Deliberations and approval to ensure that the six (6) projects listed as follows are tendered at the most advantageous time of year:

  • Main Street and Dumfries Streets;
  • Grand River Street North three (3) roundabouts;
  • Patterson Culvert Rehabilitation;
  • Muir Culvert Rehabilitation;
  • Gravel to hard surface conversions;
  • Road resurfacing various roads around the County;

And that staff report back to Council for award of the tenders as required by the County of Brant (the County) Purchasing Policy;


That the Brant Connects Committee minutes of November 6, 2024, be received as information.


That the Tourism Advisory Committee minutes of December 5, 2024, be received as information.


That the following recommendations of the Brant Heritage Committee from its meeting on December 5, 2024 be approved:

  1. That the restoration plan for the Bawcutt Centre and new County of Brant Paris Library be approved as submitted.
  2. Whereas the County of Brant has received an application for alterations to the property located at 16 Broadway Street West, designated under the Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act by Town of Paris By-Law 2667;
    And whereas Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act requires that any alteration of a property designated under Section 29, where the alterations are likely to affect the property’s heritage attributes, shall receive Council’s consent to such an alteration in writing;
    And whereas the application received has been reviewed by staff and the County of Brant Heritage Committee, who have expressed support for the proposed alterations;
    Therefore, that Council of the County of Brant consent to the application for the removal of the existing garage and the construction of an Additional Residential Unit (ARU) to the rear of the existing house at 16 Broadway Street West;
    And that notice of this decision be served to the Owner and the Ontario Heritage Trust, as set out by Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
  3. That the Joint Heritage Committee meeting be held at the St. George Gaukel Memorial Community Centre.
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